Engadin – Switzerland’s Wilderness

1 x 52 mins
Worldwide except for Germany and France

It sounds like yesterday: »Unless we take action, industry and tourism will wipe out the last traces of nature in our country»- But it was a hundred years ago, when a group of Swiss champions of Nature created Engadin National Park, the Alps’ very first wildlife reserve. Human interference was terminated – and that meant no more rescue campaigns either, like the secret smuggling of Ibexes over the pass from Italy just a few years before. Nature was to reign unimpeded – humans would watch from the sidelines, and only time would tell whether the bold experiment had come too late. Nature up here should be as free as the glacier waters had always been – a drop can decide where it wants to go: east to the Inn, Danube and Black Sea, north to the Rhine and the North Sea, or south to the Adriatic and the Mediterranean. A hundred years have passed – and man has watched in wonder as a new balance has established itself in this Alpine wonderland: the Ibex thrive, the bearded vulture is back in force, and even large predators – lynx, wolves and bears – are starting to claim back their old hunting grounds. This documentary follows in their tracks to celebrate a spectacular pioneering story of nature preservation.

Awards: Swiss Mountain Film Festival 2015, Pontresina: Best Swiss Movie

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