Euromaxx Design

DW Transtel | 564677
30 mins / ep
Episodes 103 – 112 (New Episodes)
Episodes 60 – 102 (Previous Episodes)
Worldwide, VOD, Mobile

Clips | 524880
19 New clips (New)
287 x 03 – 05 min (Previous Clips) / ep

Design is the process by which nearly all objects – from cars to paper clips, from clothing to chairs – acquire a certain form and function. But design involves more than just shaping and styling: good design is a complex process in which different and often contradictory requirements have to be met to ensure that objects function in the desired way. Design is only good when aesthetic, ergonomic and ecological aspects, durability, function and comfort harmonize and complement one another.
Euromaxx Design presents the most important and exciting creations on the European design scene. It portrays star designers, shows emerging trends and pays tribute to traditional design.

The individual reports of our successful series Euromaxx Design introduce the latest creations from the automotive industry, from furniture designers, glassworks and material and jewellery studios and visit trade fairs, exhibitions and presentations.

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