
DW Transtel | 26 4724
30 mins / ep
Episodes 21, 24 – 26
TV Rights

Mankind has always dreamed of being able to glimpse into the future. Scientists are already trying to create things that others still regard as pie in the sky. For example, innovative medical procedures or new industrial materials, intelligent communication technology or revolutionary approaches to environmental conservation. But all this is only possible if researchers are independent and creative, and if they have the courage to break new scientific ground. But how much of the research being carried out into futuristic projects is “fiction”, and how much of it is “science”? What methods are employed? What are the positive and negative aspects of trying to anticipate the future?

21 The Vision of a New Factory
24 Multi-Talented Algae
25 Refuse as a Key Resource
26 New Momentum for Trade Vessels

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