Sexuality in the Digital Age

ORF-E | 2020
1 x 45 min

Sexuality is the most intimate form of communication, but when it begins to fade, couple therapists are on hand to help. Sexual disorders can have far-reaching health consequences. According to a 2017 study by Med Uni Vienna, 40% of women and around a third of men suffer from them. But in times of virtual eroticism, could help be just a click away? It’s not so simple. Not only do digital natives use the Internet and smartphone as a matter of course in relation to their sex life: it is now a fixed part of partner searches and sexual behavior for all age groups. And it brings problems with it. The spectrum ranges from Internet sex, online sex education, online dating and online sex shops to online pornography. Not to mention the effects on body awareness and performance anxiety. Only people who are physically fit have great sex, right? Viewed soberly, sex has countless positive side effects for our health: it strengthens the immune system, regulates the hormones, ensures firm skin, relieves pain, burns calories and much more. A broad field across all age groups and sociological classes, and one that has long been a topic in sexual medicine, sex therapy and sex education practice.

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