Wild Way of the Vikings | 维京人的野性之路 (4K)

1 x 45 mins; 1 x 52 mins

This documentary follows the Vikings’ footsteps from the Norwegian Coast to Newfoundland, visiting each of the magical islands of ‘Fire and Ice’ on the way: the Shetlands, the Faroes, Greenland and Iceland. In summer, pilot whales appear in huge numbers in Faroese waters. On Iceland the dominant hunters aren’t humans but wily arctic foxes. In mid-summer guillemot chicks leap from high ledges, aiming for the churning sea 150 meters below. Any that don’t leap clear will quickly be grabbed by the opportunistic foxes that patrol at the foot of the cliffs. Besides the polar bears, musk ox, wolves and arctic foxes, Greenland is home to vast breeding colonies of geese and the dashing gyr falcon – one of the most formidable hunting machines in Nature. Finally reaching the well-wooded shores of Newfoundland, the camera dives beneath the surface to watch the humpbacks as they breach and roll in pure exuberance.

Awards: International Nature Namur (2019): Best Screenplay (won)


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