
German with English subtitle
10 x 45 min (Episode 1 & 4 with English subtitle)

BFFs Jennifer and Vero don’t dream of a better life – they envision a spectacular one. However, even dreamers must pay their bills, so Jennifer works in a nail salon during the day and at the mail distribution center at night, while also attending night school. Vero takes things a little easier: She helps her mother at the market stall and works for rich Corinna and her father Siegfried Schramberg as their maid-of-all-work. Jennifer’s parents, Sandra and Günter Tichy, seem to have resigned themselves to their fate. Both are unemployed and have almost given up on themselves. The life of sisters Penelope and Tiziana – Nelly and Tiz for short – could not be any more different. They live out their dreams – mainly with the money of their parents, Pius and Dorit Sund. While Pius, who made his fortune with a DIY market empire, longs for a modest life from time to time, Dorit sees herself as a great patron of the arts. Money corrupts character – including that of the Sunds, even if Tiz wants to improve the world alongside her studies and is happy to look after the poor and weak. This time it is Gibran, an asylum seeker, who gets all of Tiz’s attention and love. Nelly, on the other hand, has little use for her sister’s do-gooder attitude. She enjoys partying, shopping and simply wants to have a good time. Maybe even with the artist Achilles Atesch, whom her mother has just taken under her wing. But the world of the rich and beautiful is starting to crack. And even though the Sunds usually stick together, everyone here goes their own way. At one of Dorit’s lavish parties everything escalates and the worlds of the Sunds and Tichys collide …


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